Juan Gris Violin and Checkerboard


Juan Gris Bottle glass and newspaper
Juan Gris ‘Bottle glass and newspaper’

nieuwe media

Chris den Engelsman

op twittervolume kopiëren onze
meningen zich steeds sneller
trending topic is
een kat die is raars doet
vijf handen die één gitaar bespelen
een aantrekkelijke titel RT met
in de ‘like’-knop meegeleverd positivisme
de followers van de nieuwe mens
bewegen zich verdicht als een schoolharingen
al twitterend skypend postend
uploadend bloggend en mailend
worden we onszelf steeds vreemder

je facebook en al wat je nooit was
is iemand anders



 Juan Gris Glass of Beer and Playing Cards1913

Juan Gris ‘Glass of Beer and Playing Cards’ 1913





new media

Chris den Engelsman

on twitter volume
our opinions copy ever faster
trending topic is
a cat acting strange
five hands playing one guitar
RT with an attractive title
within the like button included positivism
the followers of the new man
move condenses as a shoal of herrings
by mail twitter blog and
uploads we get a life
becoming ourselves strangers

our facebook is everything we wish
our live is something else


Juan Gris Harlequin with Guitar 1919  Juan Gris Still Life with Fruit Dish and Mandolin 1919 
Juan Gris ‘Harlequin with Guitar’ 1919 Juan Gris ‘Still Life with Fruit Dish and Mandolin’ 1919
Juan Gris The Guitar 1918 Juan Gris Violin and Checkerboard
Juan Gris ‘The Guitar’ 1918 Juan Gris ‘Violin and Checkerboard’